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Privacy Policy

The Institute of Aquaphobia is protecting the rights and freedoms of data subjects and safely and securely processing their data in accordance with all of our legal obligations.
This policy (together with our website terms and conditions)  sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR UK Act, the Data Controller is 

Why we need your personal data

We require your data to be able to administer your membership/event attendance and provide the membership services you are signing up to when you apply for membership/book attendance at an event.  Our lawful basis for processing your personal data in respect of any services which have agreed to provide to you is that we have a contractual obligation to you as a member or non-member to provide the services you are registering for.  This will cover data processing for work such as membership administration and communication purposes, organising events etc.  We will also process data if it is our legitimate interest and not subject to a contract with you.  For example, carrying out research.  If the law requires us to have consent before processing your data for a particular purpose, for example, for many forms of electronic direct marketing, then we obtain your consent before processing your data for that purpose.

The Personal Data We Collect

The information we collect is that which you give to us by completing the IOA membership form online or manually, filling in forms on the IOA website, phone calls, emails and/or online/offline applications for courses/conferences, survey responses and consent for future marketing and academic research.

The information we routinely collect includes members’ names, postal addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and dates of birth; membership and event participation information including booking and payment information; roles, organisation worked for and other information which would be reasonably necessary for a provider of membership, events and training services to collect about members, course participants and non-members who attend IOA events.

Additionally the functional tools and applications proprietary to IOA  (formerly which are available for members use collect client data to the same standard above.

Google Analytics/Cookies:  This website uses Google Analytics for the purposes of analysing website traffic.  The following links will give you further information on how this is done and how you can opt out of such tracking.


Google’s Privacy Policy

Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites

How to opt out of Google Analytics

All About Cookies

By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.  Data collected does not allow the Association to, or attempt to use this data to identify you

The categories of cookies used by this website are as follows:

  • Strictly necessary cookies – cookies that are required for the operation of this website and its features, such as accessing secure areas of this website

  • Performance cookies – cookies that allow the Society to recognise new and returning users to this website and to track how they navigate around it to help the Society improve this website

Reasons for processing your data and who we share it with

  1. Administration and processing of your membership subscription, ensuring you receive all the membership benefits you are eligible for.

  2. Communicating and keeping you up to date with membership benefits and requests, IOA events, national and international IOA events, current IOA career opportunities and IOA news.

  3. Enabling you to receive member discounts, promotions or offers from third parties, including confirming to that third party that you are a member of IOA, where there is a condition of the discount, promotion or offer.

  4. Pre-registration and webinar/course/conference bookings for members and nonmembers.

  5. To help improve the website so that the content is presented in the most effective manner to you and for your computer.

  6. To provide statistical information to the IOA Executive Board Directors to ensure they are aware of the current and past status’ of budgeting, new members, lapsed members, membership demographics/roles/specific IOA interests, enabling the Board to review, plan and improve membership benefits and the service the Institute provides its members.

  7. Sharing your research and IOA  resources via the Website, IOA Social Media platforms.

  8. Analysing your use of our website/CRM and gathering feedback to help us improve our website and your user experience.

  9. Communication with third party hosting sites to collect and process your personal • (IOA  online learning portal)  • Australian Swimming Coaches & Teachers Association (ASCTA) ( Policies &Procedures) • Malaysia Swimming Teachers Association (MSTA) Data is transferred securely and the third parties listed above guarantee the security of your data via their privacy policies and corporate terms. Necessary Data Processing Agreements and/or Standard Contractual Clauses have been agreed with the relevant third parties.

  10. If you attend an IOA Course/Conference we will provide your name and job role only to Tutors/Exhibitors at the event. We do not share your personal data with other third parties for commercial or marketing purposes, unless we have your permission to do so.

  11. Participating in market research for the Institute to learn of member/non member needs and improve its services.

  12. IOA, and or authorized members of IOA may establish groups or pages on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook.  These are distinct from IOA’s own identity on the same platforms.  Some of the groups or pages may be open only to IOA members and/or other people whom IOA approves as bone fide members of those groups or pages.  IOA will use data we already hold to verify applications to join any group open only to those who are approved by IOA.  IOA is not responsible for any personal data exchanged on these groups.  We request that anyone who joins such a group complies with prevailing law, with the terms and conditions of the social media platform and confidentiality rules which apply to their professional body.

  13. We do not share your data with enquirers to the IOA Office without your prior permission.

  14. IOA reserves the right to disclose your personal data to comply with any legal obligation.

Where we store our data

If you have applied for membership of IOA, you will also automatically be registered to receive the following membership benefits:-

  • CPD information & promotions

  • (Annual Conference bookings only)

We require your personal information to enable us to provide you with all the membership benefits detailed on the IOA website including access to the website members’ area and communications.

Our membership database is stored in digital form on computers.  Data is encrypted and security and disaster recovery measures are in place to ensure that all data is secure.
Conference/Course bookings/registrations are stored in the CRM of the IOA Website
Additional data, for example, awards information, conference/course attendance information is stored on office computers that are password protected and backed up on a cloud server.

Any written documents are stored safely and securely in lockable cabinets.  Shredding of documents is carried out by a shredding company who provide a certificate once the shredding has taken place.

How long we keep your data for

We normally keep members’ data after they resign or their membership lapses.  This is because we find members sometimes later wish to re-join or we need it for facilitating membership reports for the purpose of improving our services and operations. However, we will delete any former members’ contact details entirely on request, with the exceptions described below:-

  • Other data, such as that relating to accounting or personnel matters, is kept for the legally required or recommended period.

Personal data processed from non-member enquiries andI OA events shall be kept for purposes of responding to or providing the service or information requested, unless opt in consent is authorized by the user to future marketing of webinars/courses/conferences/membership when your data will be kept until the user unsubscribes.

The personal details of IOA conference/course delegates who are not members of IOA are deleted 3 month after the conference/course has finished unless the individual has expressed their wish for future marketing communication re membership and events, in which case data will be kept until the individual unsubscribes.

The personal data of those individuals signing up to marketing communication via the IOA website pop ups will be kept until the individual unsubscribes.

How can you ask for data to be removed

By becoming a member of IOA, you accept that IOA will process your data as outlined in this privacy policy.

By supplying your personal data to IOA via any other means, you accept that IOA will  process your data as outlined in this privacy policy.

We will always ask permission before using photographs on website, promotional materials etc. If we have previously used your photograph, then you may ask that any photograph of you that appears on the website be deleted by contacting

Once you have resigned your membership or it has lapsed, you may ask for your data to be deleted by contacting
To apply for a right to erasure form contact

How you can check what data we have about you

If members want to see the basic membership data we hold about you, you can log in to the members’ area of the IOA website and view your profile.  There you can update most of your details or change the permissions you wish to grant for the use of your data.
The GDPR UK Act and the Data Protection Act 2018 gives you the right to access information held about you.  Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the law.  If you are interested in any particular aspects, specifying them will help us to provide you with what you need quickly and efficiently.  We are required to provide this to you within 20 days.

To view further details on your individual rights, please visit the Information Commissioners Office website

If you have a concern about the way IOA has handled your data, please contact the Information Commissioners Office website


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be sent via email to


We may make changes to this statement from time to time. If we change our privacy policy we will post the changes on this page. The amended privacy policy will apply from the date it is posted on our site and will govern the way in which we collect and use personal information from the date of the change.

This Statement was last reviewed 30/06/21.


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